My Vision

As a Pilot and as production manager of Sauer Flugmotorenbau it is my personal desire to make flying safer, more cost-effective, less maintenance intensive and overall more efficient. We here at Sauer achieve this through uncomprising entry of new technologies and most recent development for the good and the quality of our aircraft engines. We pay special attention to simplicity in design and operation.

In doing so, I can count on the expertise of a team of a series of expert aircraft  and aircraft engine mechanics that have been with the company for a long time.

It is my personal goal to further expand our range of products from UL to Motor-Sailplanes to heavy light aircraft of a range between 65 and 160hp. It is my vision to in future have an adequate answer for the engine rquirements for even 4 passenger light aircraft.

I shall always be personally available for your needs and ideas,

Sincerely Yours,